AI or RI – Real Intelligence – The FloraTrees

AI drawn, built by us Originators!

AI or RI
Real Intelligence
The FloraTrees

In the South End of Boston, the FloraTrees were installed in a great space, called the SoWa Power Station. They were for Ferment 2024, a conference on biology design by Gingko Bioworks. A great collaboration was had by all!

The brief or proposal was to build several large scale biomorphic sculptures. I knew we could build these unusual sculptures, pictured below.

The Original Drawing
AI Trees, created by hand with RI, Real Intelligence and HI Human Intelligence

At the site visit, speaking with the designers, they informed us that the images were created with AI. 

Immersive Installation Fabric sculptures in Boston
RI – Real Intelligence and Say Hello to HI, Human Intelligence, Human Instinct and Human Interaction! These works were made by humans by hand.

OK, interesting.  Can AI build it?  We can. The Originators can.

Today, we often work with 3d models for viewing and sharing with our client for approvals. After that we create the patterns and pathways for the CNC laser cutter.  Human’s still sew our projects.  We are the eyes and act as a project manager and installation supervisor.

This project was too difficult for us to explain to the computer, therefore we needed to do it by hand.  The old fashion way.  Process, process process. My mainframe, the computer in my head designs and controls my hands and that is still the way we  craft these sculptures.

Truly hand-made, these FloraTrees were built to be an alien force on the event floor. Indeed they were.

Take a look!
It starts with an idea

The Original Drawing
AI Trees, created by hand with RI, Real Intelligence and HI Human Instinct

Swatches to agree on colors

Color card gets us started.
We carefully look at color, negotiating with our client to enhance the design.

Samples to see the color combinations and techniques

Models to try the techniques on the build and refine the form

Full scale models and manipulations into final sculptures.

Finally, Installation!

All hand made,
Created from Spandex Fabric,
A metal frame altered with plastic tubes.
Rigged at 16’ tall
12’ around on top and 2’ at the bottom 

Take a look at the final design as we present
The FloraTrees in Boston

Thank you for the opportunity to collaborate!
To the team at Grow Marketing
Solomon Eversole
Will Brockmeyer
For Ferment / Gingko Bioworks

Thank you

Wizard Studios
For the great space to work in
And the hospitality

Thank you team Originators
Of course
Marc Posnock, my business partner
Heidi Rose Brown
Colin Smith
Natthew Lee
Victor Ayala
Jesse Zyrb

April 2024

Say Hello to HI, Human Intelligence, Human Instinct and Human Interaction!  These works were made by humans by hand.

Can you tell? Deb is happy!