Festival Performance Fun

Earlier this year, The Wildflower festival sought us out! The were set to have their 25th anniversary this May 2017 – the best of the fest – and they wanted the sculptural Hoopla! With my former company, we had performed there many moons ago and they proved to be a festival favorite.

We built 3 brand new Hoopla with great colors. We then contracted a great group of performers in Dallas to perform for the Festival Audience. It was exciting to work again with these fun sculptural characters.

Such fun interaction with the crowds. Both adults and children alike have smiles on their faces.
I love these colorful characters. They let your imagination go wild. And they’re different, each with their own wonky personalities and they make you laugh!
And the next thing you know, off to Texas, they go!

We have come a long way, we used to design, pattern and cut by hand. Today we use 3d design tools, software, cnc cutting machines and this is how we employ event technology.
Take a look our post about the Opening Ceremonies for the Olympics. It’s when we developed La Hoopla. The Chrysalis is a stadium opening-ceremony show that we are reminiscing about and this is a shout out to all of us who worked on it, we want to hear from you! Any photos, videos are great memories please share!