A Very Brief History Of The Arch

Originators Design tension fabric structures crossway arches clearly create an entryway

 October 12, 2024

A Very Brief History Of The Arch

A Very Brief History Of The Arch Originators Design series of immersive arches stretch fabric arch shapes 3d
3D Stretch Shape Crossway Arches by The Originators

The simple arch has an exceptionally long and rich history…both architecturally and symbolically.

Arches have long captivated the human imagination, transcending their functional purpose and assuming symbolic significance in various contexts. From ancient civilizations to modern architectural marvels, arches hold a profound cultural and religious relevance – serving as powerful symbols of resilience by embodying strength and stability through their structural designs. 

Greeks and Egyptians devised the shape, the Romans perfected it. Architecturally, they realized it was a great way of distributing weight evenly which allowed for larger and more complex buildings. 

Originators Design 3d arch tension fabric display custom event decor
Architectural Arch Egypt


Architecturally-speaking, there are two types of Arches.

A “true Arch” is a load-bearing arc with its elements held together by compression. We know this from the surviving ancient ruins of Palmyra to the Roman aqueducts and, of course, the Coliseum, to name a few.

The flipside of this is the “false Arch,” which typically means an arch that has no structural purpose – like the proscenium arch we see in theaters that frames a performance. Or the Originators’ free-standing, three-dimensional CrossWay Arch or the meandering shape of the GateWave Rib Arch – Originators’ stretch-fabric shapes know how to make an entrance…memorable

Over the years the Originators’ have witnessed the magnetic appeal arches have over people. There is something about an arch that naturally draws people to it as if it has gravitational pull. We have placed arches in an open field and seen people seek them out, preferring to walk through than around them.


Get to know the Originators robust collection of ready-made, off-the-shelf Arches – and so much more – that not only make a great first-impression but are the ideal traffic director – combining form and function – in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Originators Design create an immersive entryway rental tunnel 3d arch tension fabric display is an immersive entryway rental
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Have no fear of commitment. RENT!

Debra and Marc @ 646-470-1744

  info@OriginatorsDesign.com   www.originatorsdesign.com