Our Five Favs!

We’re proud to have been a part of so many great events this year.
Some of the highest profile in the world.
Thank you to everyone we’ve worked with!
Looking back at our 5 Favorite projects, we can’t help but look forward to an exciting future originating some new designs. We’ll continue to share them with you but we’d also like to encourage you to celebrate your inner-Originator and send us an image and description of something you’re especially proud of originating and we’ll post it to our ever-expanding “Wall of Originators!”
“The Sea Shell” was a custom design & build of an event marketing installation for a NYC pop-up store. This immersive fantasia of the inside of a conch-shell dazzled and enthralled. It was a site-specific, experiential design that transformed raw space into an organic environment…with only 8 days to get it done!
The three-dimensional, sculptural “Floral Bouquet” and “Petals” floated in space and lent an air of excitement and wonder to a springtime gala. The center-piece de resistance focused the room and enhanced the sense of wonder on that particular evening. (courtesy of Empire Force Events)
The release of “Pitch Perfect 2” allowed us to announce that we created the stage set for the movie’s boffo opening sequence musical production. A series of large-scale (30’h) proscenium set pieces – a monumental reproduction of the Kennedy Center stage – established the high-impact visual for the opening scene. Collaborating with the production design team, the project was brought in on-time and under budget. “Pitch Perfect 3” anyone?
Literally over 1 ton of originally designed and built fabric structures continue to highlight the ballroom ceiling of the newly renovated Dallas Convention Center. Mingling with a computer-controlled lighting design, these permanently-displayed kaleidoscopic custom designs come to life and attract interest and drama to an otherwise uninvolved space.